Post 3 "My favorite Movie"

Dear all,
Your assignment this week is writing about your favorite movie. 

  Please include:

- What's your favorite movie and why you like it?
- What kind of  movies do you like to watch?
- What is the most recent movie you saw? Do you recommend it?
- Any other piece of information you may consider important.

- Number of words: 180
- Leave comments on at least 3 of your classmates' posts + a comment in your teacher's post. 

After years my favorite movie still Big Fish. The reason why I like this movie is because it has a special meaning for me and lots of symbolisms that somehow reminds me my family. 
This movie is a mixture of real life and fantasy, where a giant, a werewolf and a witch among many other characters are part of Edward Bloom's journey, and this is something very particular about it, the fact that you can find many branches as part of the same story.
Another factor that makes this movie more beautiful is the soundtrack, were most of the songs are composed by the great Danny Elfman and the main song "Man of the Hour" by Pearl Jam. And moreover the casting because it has excellent actors like Ewan McGregor, Helena Bonham Carter, Steve Buscemi, Danny DeVito, among others. But there is one thing that stands out and this is the ending, this movie has the best ending I have ever seen,  and even after watching it many times I still feel the same as if it were the first time.


  1. It looks very entertaining movie, one day I'll see it although I do not like to watch movies that are not in the cinema xD

  2. Definitely a great movie from the cast to the soundtrack. I have seen it many times and it is always a pleasure.

  3. After read your opinion about the movie, made me want to see it.

  4. I adore this movie, it is very cute. I like the scene when Edawrd gives many daffodils to his future wife Sandra.

  5. I remember this movie, I watched at school. But unfortunately I don’t remember the content. I think I will take a look soon

  6. I have heard some opinions about the movie but never really watched it. But it sounds so interesting!

  7. I'll have to watch this movie someday, it sounds really interesting.

  8. The casting sound incredible! I will definitely watch it soon

  9. my mother loves this movie, is amazing and very interesting 💕

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. If I remember I watched this movie long time ago, maybe I'll watch it again 'cause I don´t remember much about it.

  12. I've never seen this movie, but after read what you wrote in this, I really want to see this movie, it would be interesting to give it a chance.

  13. I've never watch this movie, but It seems pretty emotional, I want to see it now.

  14. I'm not a big fan of fantasy movies, but reading this I think that I have to give it a chance to this one!!


  15. I've never seen this movie, but after reading you it made me want to see it! Thank you for sharing this

  16. As well as my classmates I have never seen this movie, but I think I will give it a oportunnity to watch it because of the soundtrack, I really love when movies/TV Show have very good sound tracks (just like "Big fish" has) and it uses to mean that the movie is very good

  17. I've never heard of that movie, but I see it has a good cast and a wonderful soundtrack, I'll put it on my list!


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